Saturday 24 October 2009

is it possible to clone yourself or clone someone in this year of 2007 with all the medical technology we have

yes i suppose... technology is very developped today so i think cloning someone is not something difficult for scientists...
Cloning is possible
Not yet!
I think the technology is there: it's just not legal. I'm assuming that you want a complete clone of yourself, and not just a few cells for theraputic purposes, which is legal in some jurisdictions. Just one question for you: why would you want to clone yourself?
I was thinking.I miss my cat Cleo...She died a couple years ago...My cat Lucy is now 5...I love her so much she is the best companion...I don't want her to leave me. I would continue to clone her to have her with me always...I feel there is nothing wrong with that.Cloning people though...hmmm...I have a relative's DNA who has passed away. Now, I would bring him back if I could. I will never have enough money to pay for the process so he will have to rest. I have read up on all the technology concerning cloning, but will look to the scientists for answers here. Your question sparked my interest! good luck.
Other mammals are currently being cloned successfully.
Ethical debates aside, if you're want to clone yourself and have them live to your age- no. We've cloned animals yes, but they have plenty of defects. And success percentage, even in the highest is like 3% for birth. Survival rate till adulthood without crippling/abnormal symptoms is also horribly low.

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