Saturday 24 October 2009

IS it ok to mix Prilosec and Fibercon?

If one Dr tells you to take Prilosec for reflux and another says take Fibercon for IBS, would they cancel each other out?
No, they would not "cancel eachother out"; they are totally unrelated drugs with different intended effects.
The Prilosec will prevent stomach acid from going into your esophagus. Fibercon is just fiber, it will bulk up and soften your stools to keep your bowels moving regularly. This is actually a good thing because preventing constipation will prevent painful GI obstructions that can aggravate gastric reflux.
They're actually starting to say that anyone diagnosed with IBS, or anyone with symptoms of IBS should be checked for celiac disease. Here's a link to the information by the National Institutes of health about celiac. that sounds like something that may be going on there are a couple of really good message boards that you can visit to find out more information.
www.celiacforums.comI hope you feel better soon.Nancy

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