it is not legal is because we can't find a good way to tax it?
TLC ? Leandro? Hahahaha...Weed has "Tender Loving Care"...Hahahahaha your right but wrong that's THC
Alcohol is at least 20 times worse for you than liquor and the "Government" taxes and allows IT. So the answer is the YES the Government is full of crap about this.
Some of the things are true to an extent such as mental problems caused by marijuana do happen but they arent permanent. I think the taxing thing might one of the reasons but probably no the only one
Well I don't think so since Marijuana does contain TLC which makes people hallucinate and three's short term effect and long term effects and these areShort-term Effects
Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety. Long-term Effects
Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.
Weed is safer than an antidepressant, trust me.
Leandro L is funny as hell! "TLC" HAHAHAHAi think he means thc. he obviously knows nothing but what the government has told him.i will say that while it is not exactly good for you.. it is wayyyyy better for you than alcohol... and thats a fact. so if the potential harm of a substance should dictate its legality, then it should be legal. hell, there are already legal stores that sell pot in california if u got a doctors signature.
You find a good summary of when and why marijuana was outlawed at can find a funny short history of the subject at In short, most state marijuana laws were first passed in the period 1913-30. There were two major reasons for the laws.The first reason was racial prejudice against Mexican immigrants. The second was the fear heroin addiction would lead to the use of marijuana -- exactly the opposite of the modern gateway myth. It was outlawed at the national level in 1937. You can find the full transcripts of the hearings for the law at The reasons the law was required -- it was said, was because marijuana causes insanity, criminality, and death. It should be noted that the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics said that there was no connection at all between marijuana and heroin. In short, the reasons for the law were racism, ignorance, and nonsense. The primary economic interests associated with making it illegal were the newspapers which made money with sensational journalism and the people within the Federal Bureau of Narcotics itself. Since then, entire industries have grown up that benefit from marijuana prohibition.Taxation was not an issue. Hemp was grown throughout the country and taxed just like any other crop.Taxation was the means they used to create the law. At the time, everyone agreed that the US Government had no constitutional power to prohibit drugs. Therefore, they achieved prohibition by putting a tax on drugs, and then making the amount of the tax so much that no one would pay it. They also required a license, and then didn't issue any licenses. Therefore, when people got arrested, they didn't really get arrested for marijuana. They got arrested because they didn't pay the tax on marijuana and have the license. It was a "tax violation."Harry Anslinger, who was head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics from 1930-1962 knew from the very beginning that the marijuana laws were completely unenforceable. He knew because, shortly after the law was passed, he walked out on a bridge over the Potomac and saw before him a field of wild cannabis that stretched as far as the eye could see. Therefore, he reasoned that the only way to approach the prohibition was with a campaign of Reefer Madness. That is, he would tell such stupendous lies that no one would dare touch the stuff. For example, his own US Official Expert on marijuana testified in court, under oath, that marijuana would make your incisors grow six inches long and drip with blood. He went on to say that, when he tried it, it turned him into a bat. The lies have gotten a little less ridiculous since then, but the US Government still maintains an openly admitted policy of lying about drugs. You can find numerous histories by different authors and hundreds of original historical documents at under Historical Research.
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