Saturday, 7 November 2009

Is it possible to have a 3 foot long parasite attached to your spine and nervous system?

Sorry, this is very random but my friend is doing a project and it is on a fictional parasite that is 3 ft. long and attaches to ones spine. I don't believe that can happen but he does.
There are CNS parasites, but not one that is 3-feet long -- it's possible that such a massive parasite could enter the CNS, but it would soon die because it would not be able to acquire adequate nourishment from the relatively-poor vascular perfusion of the CNS -- it's metabolic demand would be way too high. Or, the host itself would simply die due to such a significant increase in pressure within an exquisitely sensitive region like the CNS -- it would kind of be like having a gargantuan tumor grow within the CNS overnight, which is clearly a change that is incompatible with life.
nope.intestines yes as there's food to be had. they must have food to survive.
Not very likely. But in science fiction anything is possible !
A very good old movie called "The Tingler" starring Vincent Price

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