Saturday, 24 October 2009

Is it possible in future ( based on medical inventions ) for a HUMAN BEING to live forever?

What i mean is can death be avoided.
I THINK IT IS POSSIBLE. Honestly, not just from a supernatural stand-point, but with scientific backing. People are studying apoptosis or the cell death phenomenon that is essentially, at the cellular level death. Well, if one day scientist fully understand this mechanism, i believe they will beable to either make the anti-death pill or create some sort of genetic mutant that does not die as easily. However, science cannot stop a car from running you over or cancer from killing you, YET! So anyways, yes i think it is possible in the future, the ethical question is should it be implicated??
No, but who the heck would want to live forever? I just want to accomplish my mission on this planet and get the heck outta here! :%26gt;
Forever is quite impossible and remember death is a necessary biological phemenon which help nature to maintain a good ecological cycle.
Probably not. The future is a long time, so predictions are risky, but the limiting factor on human life is the number of spare bases on each of the autosomal genes. One of these gets lost at each cell division, so when you run out of spares, you start losing the good stuff, and things start going to pot in a hurry. This is the scientific reason why the tales of long-lived people in the bible are fictitious.
Yes, and fairly soon..Probably within your lifetime..
Perhaps in the next 25 - 30 years.
short answer NO. long answer. No because most systems of the human body are unalbe to regenerate after a certain amount of time. these systems would be the heart, lungs, liver, and nuerons. it's kind of tough to live when you can't breath, eat, pump blood or think. I'm not a fan of being a 400 year old grapefriut. just shot me if it ever comes to that.
Until we get to the future to see, I can't say it's impossible. However, every single signal emitted from the brain can be mimicked by today's computers. More and more different types of organs are getting transplanted. It's not entirely impossible that someday we might be able to transplant our brain into a cloned body or bionic body. We can't do it now, but that does not change the possibility.
No.But longer yes.In 1930 USA longevity was 45 years to day it is 74 years but it is beginning to drop a little.Certain deceases that are mainly age related that has not surfaced, that may show up in large numbers.Humans are already the longest living mammals in teams longevity.
No. Living forever is not desirable.
Technically yes.
you can do it...but would u wanna b 632 years old... or date a 587 yrs old lady?Sounds ridiculous.doesnt it.
till now there is no such a scientific invention..why are you asking like that? are u afraid of death? live your life happily %26 enjoy it
its not at all possible. because if all human beings are live what about the opurtunities for new generation and and death also we cant avoide. humans can increase the human life sapn, that to only for limited period .

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