Sunday 23 May 2010

Is it true that if your maternal grandfather never went bald, you have no genetic chance of going bald?

no you have more than 50% chance...baldness is dependen to a X-linked gene, since womens sex chromoses are XX and mens are XY.. when your maternal grandpa is bald; he gives his baldy X to your mother, but she also takes another X from her mother; so she becomes XX... and she gives her son, to you, one of these X chromosomes. If your X chromosome came from maternal grandma; you may not turn to bald. but you have to check your uncles also... maybe your maternal grandma also has a baldy X chromosome, it is seen in some uncles..
I always thought it was the paternal grandfather.but anyway, not necessarily. There's always a possibility, I think, even if it is slight.
no because sometimes genes skip a generation. If that was true, the same could be said of those who have a maternal grandfather who lived to be 100. It's a chance you might too, but no guarantee set in stone.
Genetics is a big factor in baldness but the sad fact is any guy can go bald for whatever reason. Don't fight it, lot of women love bald men and you save money on the haircuts!-:) We should all thank Michael Chikliss for bringing dignity to bald, fat WHITE guys! Peace and Merry Christmas!

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